Monday, June 8, 2009


Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Meaning: The lack of something increases the desire for it.

Is this true? I'm taking a planned week off. I shall return next Monday early in the day. Please comment on the above question.


Chad said...

This statement rings true when applied to the culinary arena.

After not having Bojangles or Zaxbys for about 5 months, I was craving it bad coming back to NC. And it was exceedingly delicious, more so than I remember.

However, I also ran into some people that I was not big friends with or that were annoying / awkward. Those people are still annoying and awkward and I am not friends with them.

Amy said...

Lady Cluck- "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".
Maid Marian- "or forgetful."

(i loved Disney's Robin Hood!)