Friday, May 1, 2009

De-Evolution: A Response

Thanks to those who commented on the de-evolution theory. If you haven't commented yet, I think you should offer your insight - there's good stuff we can gain from thinking about this idea.

I am not going to retract my original theory, but I would like to respond to the comments:

Amy: Good thoughts on creativity in toddlers. I had not thought about this yet, but it is true. Modern technologies are taking away from creativity in children, at least the kind of creativity we had when we were young. More on this below.

Aaron: Glad you brought God into this. I can say from my own personal experience that technology has definitely hindered my relationship with God. I can't blame technology in and of itself - its my choice - but the multitude of technologies available do seem to be distracting us from what is really important.

Chad: Good stuff. Best thought:

"However, those people who use these technologies and don't talk in real life are probably the counter parts of the recluses in yesteryear. So while techno-munication is rampant, it is used by those individuals who both succeed and fail at real life communication."

So perhaps we're not de-evolving - but the way our evolutionary tendencies express themselves are just shifting. I don't have a good way of summing this up. Best comment in my opinion.

Clayton: Your comment is totally confusing, and if you hadn't explained it to me, I wouldn't get it. Basically Clayton is saying that we're going to get to a point where we realize that all the stuff we're sacrificing - communication, relationships, health, etc. - we'll realize we need this stuff, and someone will come about and remind us that we need it. Our priorities will shift back to these things. Right now the priority is on new technologies - but eventually we'll come back around.

In response, Clayton - I'm not sure we'll ever go back. Take Amy's comment about creativity - its going to get to a point where what we know now about real relationships, etc. will be a thing of the past - no one will be around to remind us about them. History.

But then again, maybe thats just evolution.

Kris: Twitter is definitely from the devil.

And yes, I was a bit drastic in my theory. But its stuff to think about.

Sorry I can't respond in more detail. I'm at camp and don't have time to do a thorough wrap-up.

Thanks again for the thoughts.

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